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      3D: MultiScatter 1.623 for 3ds Max 2021 - 2022 Win x64
      Автор: wertyozka |
      2 сентябрь 2021 |
      Просмотров: 264 |
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      MultiScatter 1.623 for 3ds Max 2021 - 2022 Win x64

      MultiScatter 1.623 for 3ds Max 2021 - 2022 Win x64

      FeaCapability of creating huge amount of objects in array (hundreds of thousands and millions)
      Quick rendertime generation of objects with optimized RAM management
      Random transformations (scale, rotation) of objects in array
      Distribution of objects based on bitmaps or procedural maps
      Scaling of objects based on bitmaps or procedural maps
      Realtime viewport preview of objects placement
      Different types of viewport preview of objects
      Special procedural map the MultiScatterTexture
      64-bit support
      Differences from VRayScatter for 3ds max:
      Mental Ray support (geometry and Mental Proxy)
      Not only VrayProxy but any kind of geometry supported
      Many objects in one Scatter
      Probability texture for objects “clustering”
      Multithreading support in all operations including viewports
      Picking objects directly from a scene
      Materials, property and animation interactively depended to scene objects.
      “Help pictures” for new users (possible to switch off).
      Revolutionary viewport preview mode – points.
      Diffuse colour or wirecolor preview in viewport.
      Collision preview in viewport.
      Converting MultiScatter object to single mesh or instant copied objects.
      MultiScatter utility.

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      Блок использует технологию Flash.
      Для полноценного просмотра
      требуется более новая версия
      Adobe Flash Player.

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